Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Mood Extremely happy!
Listening to Zombie by the Cranberries

Fundamentals of Financial Management, A course I have been dreading and I have finally finished! It was my final and i had decided to put all my effort and concentrate and really study hard.

Chapter 10, The cost of Capital, After reading the chapter, I Began Answering the Questions * Remember I have to concentrate on every single word*

I reached question 10 and i read the question and guess whos name i read!
Klose! Coincedince? Maybe but it was Funny it deff made me smile remebering the German soccer team. Then it became abit to creapy!

Ballack! okay so maybe i thought to myself those may be pretty popular names in Germany then I read the last question and I finally had my answer

Well khan isn't exactly a popular German name, the guy who wrote the book just love the German's!

See I was doing my part of the job while studying, I concentrated! Maybe Over concentrated but what the heck im done now *dances*


do0da said...

LOL i hated the course laa o the book is written by fuckin nazi lover ba3ad :r no wonder its a shite course

L said...

Haha, that's hilarious!